Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Secondary School year will be over soon!!!!

Less than 2 weeks my secondary school year will be over. I am so happy but at the same time I feel so sad, because I will not see my friends for about 2 months ++. My last O level paper will be on the 19th, and on the 20th I will go to school to hand in all my text book which will be the last day for me to be with my friends and teachers. Well it is not my last day actually, I will keep on going to school until the school is close for the holiday. WHY??? I have a big project to do and I need to get it done as soon as possible but I think I will still go there next year to finish it.

I have a lot of things to express at my blog but I can't think any of it right now. Hmm..maybe next time after I finish my paper. Oh yeah, i just read my friend's blog. She is my sunshine and also my best friend. She told the world about us. She made a breakdown and I cried while reading it. When my secondary school year is over I will leave with all the sweet memories that I have. I just need to stop talking about leaving the school. It will break my heart more :'(((

Monday, June 14, 2010


Aku malas belajar masa cuti ane..hahahahaha

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


10 become 9,
9 become 7,
7 become 5,
and 5 are separated into 3 groups,
2 groups have 2 people,
and the other are alone.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Doobiduuubiduuu =P

Dear blog,

I'm so sorry that I have left you..well you see, I've been busy this lately due to unexpected things and I never expect it would come too..the unexpected things that I mention just now was, NDA KU SANGKA AKU FORM 5 ANE BANYAK PRESSURE AND STRESS!!!kan menangis ku..exam baru2 ne saja aku dapat 5 O..atu pun nda memuaskan markahnya..and aku fail MATHS!!!!!kenapalah aku nda dapat get maths atu padahal bila ku belajar sama teacher aku paham and sanang tapi bila ku buat sorang2 mcm2 tia ulahnya ='( frust ku eyhhh...tapi aku cuba nda putus asa..I have to work so hard to reach my goal..satu lagi, aku mcm mikin malas belajar..tapi berpikir ku jua..mun aku malas belajar macam manatah kan dapat high marks..I'll try my best to get everything fix and reach the 8 O's with excellent grades..Mudah2an usaha ku selama ane and yang akan datang nda sia2..AMIN!!!!

with lots of love,
Nana =)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy New Year 2010 =)

Hahahahaha atu batah..16 hari sudah..well nda papa la..happy new year people!!!!me is loving you all..hahahaha..bangas dh ne blog ku aaaa...ngaleh bh ku kn update..kn update nda tau kn bual pasal apa..so aku biarkn saja bangas..hahahaha..time ne aku dgr c kaka karoke..pasal kami boring berabis..kami nda tau apakn d buat..kn photoshoot p c abg hudri karit..ia nda mau pinjamkn cameranya..so kami buang boring la karoke..yeahhh happy ku eyhhh..aku nunggu someone datang ne k rumah.. =DDDDD very very is missing him..mwahxx bebeh!!!chow..dina is out..ex bf ku gila!!!!